Zachary Berry

Designer & Developer

Amazon Cloud Player, now with Keyboard Shortcuts & Growl Notifications!

…Sorta. :) Code is at GitHub! Explanation below:

Andy Lemay made a very useful post on how to use fluid to run Amazon CloudPlayer as its own app. In a nutshell: You can download an excellent application called Fluid to create a desktop version of a webpage - in this case, the newly released Amazon Cloud Player. This worked great, however I was hoping to get keyboard shortcuts and Growl notifications working. Luckily, Fluid has a UserScript API to allow you to write UserScripts (essentially just js files) which can be loaded into the web application.

Now to poke around! Digging into the page and js files in Amazon CloudPlayer revealed a nice API that I figured I could hack into. TextMate’s ‘Reformat Document’ was a huge help here to turn the minimized js files into something human readable.

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Trace Flex & Flash content (minus Flex/FlashBuilder junk)

I use a tail command alias (from FlashApe) to constantly output the contents of my flashlog file to the terminal which makes reading output very useful. However, if you use FlexBuilder/FlashBuilder at all, you’ll notice it will dump millions of useless comments such as

`-> Begin call to AS: getSelectedItems()<br />
<- End call to AS: getSelectedItems, Result = Text23<br />
==> Begin AS external call: designViewComplete()<br />
<== End AS external call: designViewComplete, Result =`

Just resizing the design view is enough to dump tons of these statements into your trace output, which gets very annoying. While working on a project, a friend of mine had the idea of somehow removing these statements, which got me thinking.

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Automatically Ripping FLAC Files to mp3s Via Shell Script - Update!

I have made a slight update to the earlier post at Automatically Ripping FLAC Files to mp3s Via Shell Script. I have updated the script so that it will automatically make the database directory the first time you run it. Without that change, the script wouldn’t work as expected unless you manually created the directory.

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Hacking Cog to have an iTunes style library

I use Cog on OS X as my primary music application which I’m pretty happy with - It’s very lightweight and plays FLAC files. Still, I prefer how Rhythmbox and iTunes manages your music in one large library. Cog, on the other hand, gives you a directory listing and requires you to drag and drop files into a library to listen to them.

This post describes a way to make Cog work more like iTunes. The library for Cog is simply a m3u playlist file on the filesystem. I wrote a script that would overwrite the m3u file with list of files in my music directory whenever you run Cog.

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