Zachary Berry

Designer & Developer

Code This, Not That (Javascript and JQuery Edition)

Here are the slides for a talk I gave for yesterday’s Tech Time Conference titled “Code This, Not That: Javascript and JQuery Edition”. These slides don’t completely stand alone, however the event was recorded so soon I can post the video. I’d also like to elaborate this talk to a blog post of it’s own, but until then you can check out the slides.

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Creating a custom node.js module with the Revealing Module pattern

So you want to utilize the revealing module pattern in a custom node.js module? It’s not hard but it wasn’t immediately obvious to me, so here’s how you do it.

Every node.js module is just a simple javascript file that contains a special exports variable. That exports variable is what gets exposed to the class that requires your module.

For example, take a custom module mymodule.js:

exports.animal = 'kitties';

Here’s how you’d use it:

var myModule = require('./mymodule.js');

console.log(myModule.animal); // prints 'kitties'
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Tracking 3D Objects in 2D with three.js

I’ve been playing with the fantastic three.js library lately, and for a project I needed a way to determine where an object in 3D space was on the page in 2D. I’ve gotten something working after reading through articles, documentation and commentary on three.js’ github issues page.

In the example below I have a div (the red circle) that’s being absolutely positioned on top of where I’ve determined the sphere to be.

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Incorporating an iPad into a DAW controlled studio

I’ve been experimenting with various methods to control the iPad via MIDI as well as getting pro-audio out of it, and now I’d like to share my results.

First - this video by tekserv is a good introduction on some of the possibilities to get MIDI working as well as how to get clean audio out, and is worth viewing:

But, what if you wanted to do both MIDI in/out and pro-audio out at the same time? You can - read on as I run through a few options you have, starting simple and going into full DAW integration

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